Large format projection screen cleaning

Over the years we have cleaned projection screens for our larger client’s mainly multiplex cinema for most of the large cinema chains as a service.
We learn of a product developed by one biggest cinema screen manufacturers in the world. And this was the only product they would recommend to use on their screens. It was developed to combat a soft drink or Cinema food including ketchup and salsas etc. somehow finding their way to the screen.
Over the years we developed a process of cleaning the whole screen, we found that cleaning local areas sometimes whitens that part of the screen so we refine the process to the whole.
Well, the cleaning process doesn’t take a great deal of time each cleaning can be done in under two hours dependent on screen size and severity of mess.
We found the older perforated screens we were unable to clean as dust over the years lands in the perforations if you try and clean an older perforated screen all you do is get streaks surface. Dust is an issue if not brushed off with a soft duster as part of a maintenance program
Again, with non-perforated screens dust could be an issue, if the screens are maintained over the years, the screen should be brushed down a least once a month with a soft duster to ensure this picture quality stays sharp, this also helps the screen cleaning process if you get a future mess on the screen.
With a well-maintained screen that is regularly dusted off seven years would be the maximum age of a screen we would clean
Screen cleaning is not a substitution for a new screen. screen cleaning is not for including in the maintenance program...
Screen cleaning should be done within a reasonable amount of time once the mess has been found. unfortunately leaving soft sugary drinks on the screen and food colour will infuse into screen causing irreversible damage
Large format roller screen, you have a little bit more time on the age of the screen, as they're always moving and less dusty. Obviously never run with a mess on the screen or after the screen has been cleaned, it needs to stay down for 24 hours to dry.